Making Education a Success

1900 +


30,000 +


1,25,000 +


1.5 mn+


Why Choose Us?

Dependable Hardware

Dependable Hardware with warranty to suit the classroom

Cloud-based Solution

Teach your class hassle-free from any location and in any situation and ensure an uninterrupted learning experience

Comprehensive Content & Assessments

Award-winning content and customized assessments solution suited to the individual learning needs of students

Innovative Software & Tools

Easy access to a plethora of tools making teaching seamless and more effective

Trustworthy Service & Support

Thorough academic support, regular software updates as well as pre-emptive hardware maintenance

Wide Array of Products & Services

Our comprehensive offerings span all areas of digital content from e storybooks and e-magazines(School eLibrary) to an e-learning app( StudyCloud) to an all-new Robotics program.
